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'Dawn of the Digital Dragon Dynasty: Countdown to the Chinese Century' is a 600 page Chinese Cultural Economic Electronic Encyclopedia to understand Chinese Culture, Chinese Companies, the Chinese Digital Economy, and the global Belt and Road Initiative detailing around 500 companies and 130 countries across 44 chapters complete with 1,000 accompanying images.


The World's First Global Chinese Textbook.

Taoism believes that the universe is governed by an interconnected, dynamic ‘way’ while Confucianism is the social study of human ethics. Mandarin was the lingua franca for centuries while also being the only surviving ancient script. China pioneered paper, block-printing, the compass, silk, astronomy, geometry, the abacus, and gunpowder amongst countless inventions dating back as far as even 8,000 BCE as capitalism’s ancient ancestors.

Alibaba is the world’s biggest retail e-commercial B2B company with gross merchandise volume surpassing $1 trillion and around a 30% global e-commerce market share. Huawei had a one-third share of the 5G global equipment and smartphone market by 2020 having constructed over 100,000 global 5G base stations. Tencent is in possession of the biggest data ecosystem globally with WeChat Pay already operating 17 currencies in 49 countries by 2019.

The US had already been caught in Internet AI by 2018 and China is predicted to have a 60-40 advantage by 2023. China’s lead in Perception AI such as facial recognition is already 60-40 but this could extend to 80-20 by 2023. Autonomous AI, able to visualise, listen, and feel its surrounding world, will see China level with the US by 2023.

Chinese share of global consumption growth will be $6.2 trillion and 18% between 2015 and 2030 to overtake the West with 500 million millennials in China’s middle class. By 2025 there will be more billion-dollar revenue generating companies in China than the US. By 2050 China’s economy is projected to be 150% the size of the US’ at $105 trillion to $70 trillion by PPP and $50 trillion to $34 trillion by GDP.

China is the globe’s biggest market for electric vehicles with 1.8 million sales in 2021. Already 45% (reaching a majority by 2025) of China’s overall installed power capacity is renewable at over 1,000 GW at around one-third globally. The $583 billion Xiong’an New Economic Area, the world's first AI city, will become northern China’s centre of innovation with only electric and autonomous vehicles and be 100% renewably powered. China already constitutes at least 60% of global 5G base stations (over three million in total) and 5G connections, 60% of global 5G devices, and 200 million users with full commercialisation nationally by 2023.

Full implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) will have occurred by 2049 with the majority by 2040. Up to 152 countries (70% of the global total) are an active participant in the BRI. By April 2020 over 3,000 projects valued in excess of $4 trillion had been established which will over-double to 7,000 projects by 2050. $1.25 trillion had been invested in the BRI by May 2019 with up to $8 trillion overall representing the biggest infrastructural initiative in history. 2040 global GDP will be increased by $7.1 trillion (a 4.2% direct increase and at over $10 billion for 56 countries) and by 8.3% from 2019.

Huawei is building the 13,000 km fibre-optical telecommunication Pakistan East African Cable Express connecting with Kenya and Djibouti in 2019 with future extension to Egypt and South Africa. 34 Chinese companies by January 2020 were constructing 398 smart cities including 5G projects in 106 countries for example India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The $20 billion New Cairo will be bigger than Madrid, have Africa’s tallest tower at 385 m, biggest church, the largest opera house outside of Europe, an innovation technology park, and 40,000 hotels.

China had already constructed over a minimum 110 GW of renewable energy across the BRI by 2019 at over a minimum $100 billion investment. The 1.8 GW Benban solar park in Egypt for example is the fourth largest globally. China will invest a minimum $644 billion to construct at least 644 GW of renewable power capacity in 38 BRI countries by 2030. Asia’s share of global GDP will increase to over 50% by 2050 (reaching this by 2040 by PPP) and will have half of the global top 30 economies by 2030.

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